Are apprenticeships worth it? Or just a waste of time?

After completing A-Levels, I chose an apprenticeship over university. It has been a hands-on, interactive and most importantly, fulfilling experience.

Decision Point

After completing my A-Levels, I was at a stalemate with options. Whilst both my family and friends insisted that pursuing higher education was the best way to tackle things, I had done plenty of research to suggest otherwise. It was especially difficult to convince my parents who, based on their own experiences, have an “old-school” attitude towards education and careers.

Initial Setback

Prior to beginning apprenticeship with Khiliad, I had gone through an extensive application process with a different company that is much larger. This experience however was far from fulfilling, the entire process was automated, and I was not fortunate enough to get neither a face-to-face nor an on the phone interview. Both the testing and question process were one sided with prompts displayed on a screen that I had to record myself answering to, it truly felt like a detached and forgettable experience. This unfortunately made me question my decision with pursuing an apprenticeship as I feared that every future experience would be the same.

A Better Fit with Khiliad

This was completely contrasted by my experience with Khiliad, where, as soon as I highlighted my interest, I was welcomed for a real-life interview. Despite the interview process being the first step of many, I was already able to familiarise myself with my potential employers and the fact they had managed to allocate time for an interview was really reassuring, it showed a level of care and interest which are both values few employers care for.

Hands-On Learning

Unlike learning in school, where lessons were oftentimes repetitive and primarily involve writing theory on paper, my apprenticeship with Khiliad is a hands-on interactive experience. Every day, I am working on or analysing real-world projects, sometimes even collaborating with talented developers that have been in the industry longer than I have been alive. Whether it is finding issues, researching projects, or learning the ins and outs of a new programming language, each day brings a challenge that is a huge contrast to any work I have done in the past, this exception is further exemplified when I talk to my friends, who often complain about the staleness and boredom produced by their university courses.

Networking Opportunities

One of the largest standout aspects of this apprenticeship is the ability to network. Previously, I have been restricted by my environment, only surrounded by other students and teachers with little to no opportunities to meet new, interesting faces. In this role, I am surrounded by experienced professionals and have the honour to meet some fascinating individuals that despite being an apprentice, have always treated me as an equal, within an apprenticeship, you are not simply a student but rather a useful asset to every team. I have also learned that effective communication, teamwork, and time management are just as important as understanding the practical aspects of a project. By working closely with the people around me, I have allowed myself to become truly immersed in the workflow.

I am also fortunate enough to be enrolled to a college as part of this apprenticeship. Once a week I travel to central London to collaborate with even more interesting people and work on my soft and practical skills. This is a refreshing contrast from working remotely and truly gives a balance that is the best of both worlds. Despite the fact college could be comparable to a “school environment,” the course I have been working on is purely project and collaboration based where learning relies on your ability to do research and work with others.

Personal Growth and Responsibility

The level of personal responsibility that comes with the apprenticeship makes it an enjoyable experience. In school, success was always reflected by tests with textbook answers. At Khiliad, my success is directly tied to my own initiative and determination. Although I have plenty of resources and support mechanisms around me, it is up to me to take charge of my learning and truly dedicate myself to getting things done. In exchange, I have learnt to be proactive and responsible, this will without any doubt help me in future professional settings. Knowing that my success lays on my shoulders is both empowering and inspiring.

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